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Ray, I already had one of your sticks from a tournament you were at, I love it so much I don’t think I can go back to regular ones. It lasted a year and a half and got 24 goals and 24 assists. 

I am a 200lb center man who is hard on sticks . It out-lasted lots of my old ones. Super strong and durable with no chips.

I usually wouldn’t buy 2 at a time, but I like it that much, I just want a back up just In case :)

(bought 2)


Pretty sure you have a customer for life.

Denis S.

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...This stick is more than expected, its just like a normal stick but because of the ergonomics of it, it hugs my hand and I feel the shot and passing more. My goals are up this year too, Thanks

Anonymous youth

Ray, just wanted to thank you for your donation of 2 sticks to the Ladyball Gala 2019 event for Ovairian Cancer Canada. Our live auction and silent auction will have raised over $2 Million.

Very Appreciated

Michelle S.


Thank you so much for your donation to Hearts for Hospitals. The Gala this year raised over $250000 for equipment and much needed items for the hospital ward and emergency section. Your donation to our silent auction makes a difference and people like seeing different items like your stick. Thanks


My daughter Addison loves her 75 Flex stick, it has helped her improved her puck control and shooting as well, Addison loves how it feels in her hands. Thanks

John and  Addison

They have just bought an extension for her stick due to her growth spurt, and the stick just keeps on being great for them.

She is loving the stick. Played three games in the weekend tournament and scored lots. GOT MVP. She loves how light it is and the feel of it surpasses all other sticks she has had. They will be our go-to sticks from now on. Second year Novice player.

Alissa and mom

We are glad you are satisfied, and hope you more success with our junior version.

Carson has a great new 35 Flex junior stick which he loves. Brother got one too.

A great photo.

Thanks for believing in us.

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